pid type title authors mentors source_title published_date url doi isbn issn eissn kbsplit:18 "journal article" "Thyroid Hormones Are Not Associated with Plasma Osteocalcin Levels in Adult Population with Normal Thyroid Function" "Pleić, Nikolina; Brdar, Dubravka; Gunjača, Ivana; Babić Leko, Mirjana; Torlak, Vesela; Punda, Ante; Polašek, Ozren; Hayward, Caroline; Zemunik, Tatijana" mefst:1068 thesis "Određivanje parametara koji utječu na volumen štitne žlijezde" "Vujičević, Marina" mefst:1036 thesis "Utjecaj prehrane na hormonski status štitne žlijezde" "Knežević, Petra" mefst:1437 "journal article" "Thyroid hormone levels are associated with metabolic components: a cross-sectional study" "Punda, Ante; Škrabić, Veselin; Torlak, Vesela; Gunjača, Ivana; Boraska Perica, Vesna; Kolčić, Ivana; Polašek, Ozren; Hayward, Caroline; Zemunik, Tatijana; Matana, Antonela"